Policies dealing with migration and asylum has to respect the human dignity of migrants and asylum seekers.
European Pirates demands a common european immigration policy that
- enables ways of legal migration to the european labour market
- values language skills and other given skills of the applicants positively in the process
- recognizes given certificates and professional qualifications in a simplified way
- gives right of European Citizenship to children born in Europe
- enables member states to adjust their requirements according to their situation and needs
Policies dealing with migration and asylum has to respect the human dignity of migrants and asylum seekers.
European Pirates demands a common european immigration policy that
enables ways of legal migration to the european labour market
values language skills and other given skills of the applicants positively in the process
recognizes given certificates and professional qualifications in a simplified way
gives right of European Citizenship to children born in Europe
enables member states to adjust their requirements according to their situation and needs
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{"mot_id":"1064","mot_author_id":"338","mot_agenda_id":"2171","mot_deleted":"0","mot_status":"voting","mot_deadline":null,"mot_tag_ids":"[]","mot_pinned":"0","mot_anonymous":"0","mot_type":"yes_no","mot_win_limit":"50","mot_title":"Migration","mot_description":"Policies dealing with migration and asylum has to respect the human dignity of migrants and asylum seekers.\r\n\r\nEuropean Pirates demands a common european immigration policy that \r\n\r\n- enables ways of legal migration to the european labour market\r\n- values language skills and other given skills of the applicants positively in the process\r\n- recognizes given certificates and professional qualifications in a simplified way\r\n- gives right of European Citizenship to children born in Europe\r\n- enables member states to adjust their requirements according to their situation and needs\r\n- ","mot_explanation":"","mot_trashed":"0","mot_trash_explanation":"","mot_external_chat_id":null,"mpr_id":"2988","mpr_motion_id":"1064","mpr_label":"pro","mpr_winning":"0","mpr_neutral":"0","mpr_explanation":"","age_id":"2171","age_meeting_id":"349","age_parent_id":null,"age_order":"1540218500","age_active":"0","age_expected_duration":"0","age_duration":null,"age_label":"Migration & Asylum","age_objects":"[{\"motionId\":\"1064\"},{\"motionId\":\"1065\"},{\"chatId\":\"2734\"}]","age_description":"","mee_id":"349","mee_label":"Relecture Programme Commun 2019 (en anglais) ","mee_type":"construction","mee_class":"event-special","mee_deleted":"0","mee_status":"closed","mee_synchro_vote":"1","mee_president_member_id":null,"mee_secretary_member_id":"338","mee_secretary_agenda_id":null,"mee_meeting_type_id":"1","mee_quorum":null,"mee_datetime":"2018-10-22 18:00:00","mee_expected_duration":"10080","mee_start_time":"2018-10-22 18:28:16","mee_finish_time":"2018-11-28 11:26:02","mee_chat_plugin":"internal","mee_chat_configuration":null}